Getting Started
1. Do the starting quest in the top right corner as this will get you some basic gear.
2. Your going to need to find a cooking pot to make clean water.
3. it's best to just base in a abandoned building, for the first 7 days.
4. A Forge is required to make better tools and smelt raw iron, The main thing you need is 20 leather/hide and 2 small iron pipes.
5. You will need 3 basic building materials, Wood, Stone, Clay.
6. Preparing for the first horde, make a small fort out of flagstone and surround it in wooden spikes.
Starting a farm as soon as you can and planting what you can find is good.
You may find zombies have ridiculous reach, but you have long reach as well.
A simple method to master melee combat.
Walk slowly backwards,
Let zombies come into range hit them them run backwards before they hit you,
Once you have timing down you can run into range hit, then run back before getting hit.
Alpha 18 new combat.
Weapons hit along a arc where they swing rather then simply the crosshair.
Weapons have a power attack, uses a lot more stamina then the normal attack.
Zombies also have rage, when damaged zombies have a chance to rage and run at you.
Melee Weapons. <!-- note modifiers/ perks not included -->
Spears Range Speed Stamina MinDmg MaxDmg T1 3.2 55 18.5 10.3 15.45 T2 3.2 55 20.3 10.54 20.46 T3 3.2 55 22.4 16.81 30.69
Spears advantage is they have long range, with a spear you can hit zombies while keeping out of their range.
Special, spears can be thrown the charge of the throw does not effect the damage but just the range of the throw.
Club/Bat Range Speed Stamina MinDmg MaxDmg T1 2.4 55 17.4 13.8 20.7 T2 2.4 52 20.9 14.79 28.71 T3 2.4 52 13.7 22.27 43.23
SledgeHammer Range Speed Stamina MinDmg MaxDmg T1 2.6 50 22.3 17.5 26.25 T2 2.6 34 36.7 26.18 50.82 T3 2.6 34 40.5 39.27 76.23
Sledgehammers advantage heavy damage, better chance to knockdown, however used lots of stamina. Sledgehammers are also good for breaking blocks.
Special, sledgehammers upgraded power attack can knockdown groups of enemies.
With a sledgehammer aim with the top right of the crosshair.
Knuckles Range Speed Stamina MinDmg MaxDmg T1 2.0 100 9.1 6.2 9.1 T2 2.0 100 9.6 7.745 15.015 T3 2.0 100 10.2 11.56 22.44
Knuckles advantage high attack rate, this works well with chance modifiers.
Special, disable zombies infection/bite attack.
Stun Baton
StunBaton Range Speed Stamina MinDmg MaxDmg T2 2.4 70 15.5 9.18 17.82
Stun Baton charged by hitting enemies, once charged shocks next enemy hit dealing damage and stunning them.
Warning the electrocutioner perk is currently broken and does not upgrade the stun baton, it can be fixed manually in the config or wait until a update with a fix.
Structural Integrity
Each block type has a Mass and Max Load and the Structural Integrity of a block is Max Load divided by mass. what this means is if the block has a structural integrity of 8 then you can build a bridge out of 8 blocks.
Pillers connected to bedrock will give their max load from each face.
[Wood] Mass 5, Max Load 40, Structural Integrity 8.
[Stone] Mass 10, Max Load 120, Structural Integrity 12.
[Metal] Mass 20, Max Load 320, Structural Integrity 16.
Block Durability
T=Total Durability
When scavenging you don't want to leave anything in containers, since only empty containers respawn loot. So you need to learn the items and know what to Keep/Scrap/Dump.
It's useful to setup a small camp just outside of citys with bedroll and chests, so you can store everything and respawn close by if you die, usefull with multiple people to stack items.
It's good to keep some clothing so you can have warm clothing if going into snow,
or cool clothing for the desert.
You can stack mods by applying them to weapons/tools you already have.
Low level duplicate guns better to just scrap for parts, which then stack and are worth more (Then low level damaged guns) if you plan on selling to trader.Scrap Metal,
These items can be scraped but some of them do have recipes.
Also you get more if you smelt them in the forge, normaly good for brass since can't be mined.
Normaly you don't get enough coal and nitrate powder to make keeping then worth it if something else needs the space.
Food and water obviously good until later when you have a stable supply of food and water/glasses.
Development Notes
Ladders work under water, allowing much faster ascend and descend.
Swimming down faster by looking down holding foward and sprint, rate of 1m/s.
Swimming up faster by looking up holding foward and sprint and jump, rate of 2.5/s
Zombie Pathfinding, if there is a valid between a zombie and the player, the zombie will follow the path to the player rather then smashing walls.
Zombies view doors as open.
Zombies swing at anything around them.
Zombies see blade traps as solid blocks.
Generator Bank, 1800W per 1 gas.
Electric Post, max 14 blocks apart.
Wire Length, 9 blocks + player reach.
Generator Bank engine quality, 50W < 0-600 <100W.
Battery, 15W per durability.
Battery Bank Battery quality, 25W < 0-600 <50W.
Solar Bank Solar cell quality, 15W < 0-600 <30W.
Solar Cell, does not appear to have decay.
Shotgun Turret, Range 14 blocks.
Auto Turret, Range 30 Blocks.
Note Turrets are more inaccurate the further the enemy away.
Note Turrets can be manualy conrolled by camera.
Note Turrets have cone vision and can only shoot what is in that area.
dm, in the console will activate debug mode allowing flight,ect. Flight can be activated with H.
cm, in the console will activate creative mode unlocking the creative inventory, can be opened with U.
Holding shift and pressing + repeatedly will speed up your character.
Pressing * on numpad while debug mode active will toggle zombie ai.
Heat map effects how many zombies spawn
Gamestage effects how strong zombies are
Heat map works by spawning more zombies in areas of high heat.
Heat is created by player activity, burning Campfires/Forges/ChemistyStations,ect.
torches and burning barrels will not attract zombies towards them.
gameStage = (playerLevel x 2) x (daysSurvived x daysAliveDifficultyBonus + gameDifficultyMultiplier)
DaysSurvived=Day - Deaths
Best Armour=
Light = Military = 67 Armour, 58 Explosion Resistance, 109% Mobility, 11.75 Stamina.
Heavy = Steel = 86 Armour, 77 Explosion Resistance, 92% Mobility, 8.79 Stamina.
More 7 Days to Die guilds
- All Guilds
- Veculos, explorao e mecnica!
- Hud for different versions of the game
- 7 Days to Die Guide 2342
- How to walk
- TF2 Mercs in 7 Days to Die
- 7 Days to Die Basics
- 7 Days to Die Guide 2316
- 7 Days to Die Guide 2306
- Day 1 Basic and How to Survive
- How to Walk