Customising your controls

Customising your controls

Navigate To The Controls Menu

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Use the arrow keys to navigate to Settings, Controls

Then press C to enter the Configure Controls GUI:

Start A New Config

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The default configuration will contains many mappings for every controller we support out of the box, which makes it a bit cluttered. Press Load Defaults to start with a cleaner slate:

Tick any devices you'd like to keep defaults for. Keeping the Keyboard ticked is a good choice to make sure you can always navigate the menus using the keyboard:

At the top right, select the device that you would like to set up controls for:

Binding Buttons

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Click the [+] icon next to a control to add a mapping. A dialog will appear where you can select a button or an axis on your controller:

Expanding the button drop-down menu will show a list of all buttons. While this list is visible, press the button on your controller that you would like to bind, and it will be automatically selected from the list.

You probably don't know which button "Button 4" is, so you can click the [Pencil] Icon to give it a name that you'll remember:

Then click OK to save this mapping:

To test that everything is working, when you push this button, the square next to the control should turn red, like this:

Binding Axes

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Click the [+] icon next to a control to add a mapping. A dialog will appear where you can select a button or an axis on your controller:

Expanding the button drop-down menu will show a list of all axes. While this list is visible, move the wheel / pedal / stick on your controller that you would like to bind, and it will be automatically selected from the list.

You probably don't know what "Axis 0" is, so you can click the [Pencil] Icon to give it a name that you'll remember:

To test that everything is working, when you move the wheel / pedal / stick, the slider next to the control should move to the left or right, like this:

To get the slider to respond how you'd like, you can:

tick the Invert box to reverse the direction that it moves

change the Sensitivity slider to make it reach the maximum value with less movement

change the Exponent slider to more sensitive near the resting position, or more sensitive at the maximum position

change the Deadzone slider to add a minimum movement threshold

Dual Axis Controls

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For some controls, you may want to merge together two physical axes into a single mapping. For example, to control the glider's pitch up/down from a racing wheel controller, we like to use the brake pedal to pitch-down, and the clutch pedal to pitch-up. The extra axis drop down box allows you to select another axis to join with the first selection:


Upgrade buttonsThe HUD locations for the upgrades are as below. If your controller has two buttons on each side, it's nice to map your upgrade buttons to match the HUD! :D

Upgrade #1 - Top Left (Gamepad: D-Pad Up)

Upgrade #2 - Bottom Left (Gamepad: D-Pad Down)

Upgrade #3 - Top Right (Gamepad: D-Pad Right)

Upgrade #4 - Bottom Right (Gamepad: D-Pad Left)

Boost and DRSThe Boost and Downforce Reduction controls are used extremely frequently while racing. Map these to buttons that you can comfortably hold down. On racing wheels, we like to use the clutch pedal and shifting-paddles for these controls. If you have a sequential gear-shifting lever, mapping boost to "shift down" is extra fun though!

Auxillary controlsIf you can't fit all the game inputs onto your controller, consider leaving some less often used ones, such as changing camera mode, pausing, etc, on the keyboard/mouse/gamepad.

Finishing Up

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If you have a lot of controllers connected and can't keep track of which is what, you can rename devices by clicking the [Pencil] icon next to their name:

To finish, click the Save button:

Share the love!If you've just created controls for a device that we didn't support out of the box, please consider helping us out by sending us a copy of your "userControls.json" file (see below), so we can add these as default controls in a future patch!

Something Went Terribly Wrong!

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If somehow your controls are broken beyond repair, you can delete your config file as a last resort.

Navigate a windows explorer window to "%appdata%\22 Racing Series"

Delete the "userControls.json" file:
