☘ Mods
These Are A Bunch Of "must Have" Mods And I Promise You, Once You've Learned To Master Them All You Won't Ever Have A Problem Building Anything Ever Again.To use any mod in Besiege, you'll need Spaar's mod loader.[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk]
Download and run the installer. Locate your Besiege folder manually through the installer if this is not done automatically, then choose to install the latest version. Then installer will need to replace "Assembly_Unityscript.dll" from your computer for the modloader to be installed correctly. Now navigate to the "Mods" folder in "Besiege/Besiege_Data". Place any mods that you download in this folder. Most mods are ".dll" files.
To doublecheck if you've installed the modloader correctly, you can press Ctrl+K in game. This will open a console if it's installed.
...is a probably one of the most popular mods for Besiege. It has a lot of different functions that let you customize the gravity, block rotation and block ID.
The gravity in the Multimod is overriding the ordinary Zero-G function, so you'll have to change the gravity through the mod once you've installed it. On the other hand you'll get access to the preset No Gravity, Moon Gravity, Normal Gravity or any other amount of gravity.
The block rotation let you choose a custom rotation amount. This is supreme for building machines in other ways than the ordinary 90 degree limit. I'd recommend using 22.5 degrees since that's 1/4 of the ordinary rotation. In that way you won't lose your orientation or be placing blocks uneven when building. Most of my machines are built using 22.5 degree rotation.
The Block ID is different for each block. The Multimod lets you choose the ID number for each block manually. This is a great way to access the unreleased blocks like #4, #13 and #52.
Custom Rotation Amount Mod[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk]
...which just let you customize the rotation amount. This is good in it's own way if you don't want to customize the gravity or have any need for the unreleased blocks.
...is a must have mod for advanced engineers. It allows you to edit blocks after they've been placed. You can move, rotate, resize, color, copy and delete multiple blocks at the same time. If you for example are building a quadrotor helicopter, you could build one rotor and clone it so it becomes 4 rotors. This will save you loads of time when building bigger machines. You could also "finetune" blocks after you've placed them. This means moving them for example a tenth of a block length to get the block at the precise position you'd want it.
Block Transform Tools[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk]
...Which is a mod for moving and/or rotating blocks just like Editor+, except for a simplified UI. It lacks the coloring and scaling functions that Editor+ has, but honestly speaking, those are the least used functions. Block Transform Tools requires TGYD's Blockloader[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk] to function properly.
No Bounds Mod[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk]
...Is a mod that lets you move the block parameters beyond limits. You can change a wheels speed to x10 or a ballasts mass to x0.01 if you want to. This goes for anything with parameters that can be changed. This is a mod that basically replaces .bsg editing.
No Intersection Mod[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk]
...is a No-Clip mod that removes the "Intersection" warning. This allows you to place blocks inside other blocks which unlocks new ways to build. With this mod you can place blocks closer, or even inside eachother.
Keep Camera Rotation Mod[forum.spiderlinggames.co.uk]
...is a gameplay mod that's optimal for all machines. With this mod you can click the middle mouse button when hovering a block and the camera will keep its rotation aligned with that block. This makes both driving and flying much easier since you won't have to use the mouse to rotate the camera.
⚒ Building
This section is for useful building tips and tricks.
Placing a block ½ and ¼ without Editor+
Video guide by Ross Plavsic:
For ½:
Place a wheel and the block on that wheel. A wheel is ½ thick so the placed block will be ½ away from the block you placed the wheel on.
For ¼:
Place a block and a wing panel on it. Then remove the block and place it again on the panel. This will move the block ¼ from the starting block since the point of attachment is further inside the wingpanel.
Video Tutorial on Editor+ Basics.
Besiege This! helped a lot by making a video tutorial on the basics of Editor+. Thanks again!
.bsg editing (alternative method for No-Bounds Mod)Using .bsg editing is actually quite simple when building smaller machines but can be a little trickier if your machine exceeds 100 blocks. Ross Plavsic made a video guide on how to use .bsg editing for your machines.
Center Of MassThe COM, or Center Of Mass, is one of the most valuable tools to use when building flying vehicles. You can toggle visibility of the COM in the building mode on the "Machine information" tab. When building a flying machine, the COM should be aligned with the source of lift/thrust. This will keep the machine from losing stability when flying.
For example, if you'd build a Quadrotor Helicopter, the COM should be centered between all 4 rotors.
...and for a Birotor Helicopter...
...and for a singlerotor Helicopter...
The easiest way to adjust the COM is through adjusting the mass of ballasts.
Remember, A ballast with a mass set on x0.2 is lighter than any other block (excluding balloons)!
Stronger propellersrotating propeller blades generates a stronger force! These two propellers are identical, except for the rotation of the left one's propeller. It has been turned 23°, which gives it more lift.
Video Tutorial on AerodynamicsShadé made a really good video guide on how to build proper aerodynamics for aircrafts:
⚙ Mechanics (Part 1)
Static SawbladeSteering Hinge DrivingThis is the mechanics section. It consists of the most effective and useful mechanics I've learnt while playing Besiege. I will not include outdated methods in this section.
Simple, yet effective method for creating a wheel that's both fireproof and deadly. Just set the sawblades speed to x0 with No Bounds mod.
By placing a steering hinge a halfblock inside a ballast creates a fireproof and stable driving mechanism. Applying a static sawblade or a round armor plate creates a working wheel. Use No Bounds mod to set the speed of the steering hinge higher. You could place more steering hinges in the ballast for a more stable driving. I learned this techique from Ross Plavsic.
are a techique discovered by Algae, thats pushing an already speeding vehicle forwards even faster. It's build with only a watercannon facing the direction that the vehicle is moving. When the vehicle is moving fast enough and the watercannons are activated, the water will spawn inside the watercannon. Since the physics engine won't allow this, the water will push the watercannon forwards to counter the clipping bug that's created, which will push the entire machine forwards even faster.
is a techique that uses Shrapnel Cannons facing backwards and the godpower "unlimited ammo" to push the machine forwards using the cannons recoil. In many cases, the shrapnel cannons are heated by firesource to fire themselves.
Originally posted by MaxTCC:The cannons fire faster the more heat sources they have next to them.
So 2 fireballs on each side and a torch on the back makes for a super-fast cannon!_______________________________________________________________________________
is a method if steering that build on Newtons third law. By using a steering block with a very fast rotationspeed and some weight, you could turn an entire machine the opposite direction. For this to work, you'll have to add some weight to the steering block. I'd recommend placing braces through it or place small armor plates on its sides.
Originally posted by Isaac Newton:"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
This is another method of torque steering that don't require mods. Originally posted by MaxTCC:"You don't need a steering block with a very fast speed for torque steering.
1 wheel at speed "1" is enough, just add more braces
And it looks kinda fancy too.
For example, this is what I use to steer all of my ground vehicles.
I just set the keys to "Left" and "Right", at speed "1".
All the braces were placed on all sides (except top) of a ballast that was placed below the wheel."
You can build a rotor that stabilizes itself automatically by rotating every 2nd rotorblade slightly upwards. This will work better the more blades and rotors you'll use. Remember to make sure that the COM is beneath the rotors.
Originally posted by Ross Plavsic:"Setting flying spirals to negative values so they can be used for downforce."This techique is excellent for propelling missiles or keeping a light and fast vehicle on the ground without doing wheelies.
Originally posted by Ross Plavsic:"Attaching balloons to grabbers reduces weight without having balloons flopping around."If the balloons have too high bouyancy, you should add a temporary pin to it so the grabber have enough time to grab the balloon before it's flying away.
This is a great method for keeping an aerial vehicle stable. It could be applied to a drone to make it hover in the air without any interaction. This mechanism also prevents the vehicle from tipping over. The more bouyancy and mass the balloon and ballast have, the stronger the force.
There are many ways to build suspension systems but, the best suspension systems are focusing on the ability to drive in terrain and managing high drops without damaging the machine.
This vertical suspension system was created by Cetz-The-Gλmer. It's one of the most effective systems that I've ever used.
This is a rotational suspension system. It's working just like a vertical suspension system but it directs the force with a rotation instead.
steering is a way of rotating blocks to a fixed position through only holding a key. The mechanism returns to its starting position when you let go of the key, and that's where the name comes from. This mechanism is great for plane rudders, flaps and any steering where you usually don't want to hold the key to steer the mechanism back to its original position after turning.
Examples of 2D steering, where in this case the pistons are bound to the left and right arrow keys. This is the result of holding the left arrow key.
Another 2D example, made by Shadé.
Dynamic TiltplateYou could also take advantage of the method to build in the 3rd dimension. This is a dynamic tiltplate that can tilt in any direction by using 4 pistons bound to the arrowkeys (or whatever is preferred nowadays) with 4 connected ball joints. These are great for helicopter rotors. This one was made by TomX ツ.
I think I've reached some kind of text limit... So here comes a Part 2!
⚙ Mechanics (Part 2)
Please Suggest More Mechanics In The Comments!
Tank TracksHere's a video tutorial made by TheSmokingKoala on how to make tank tracks:
Psst... This is much easier with Editor+...
⚔ Artillery
BallastgunsThis section will teach you about some effective ways to deliver damage to the enemies other than using the ordinary weapons._______________________________________________________________________________
is the simplest homemade weapon in besiege. All you need is the No Bounds Mod, a decoupler and a ballast. This is a techique that fires the ballast at a very high speed towards a target. It can even destroy brick, which normally only can be destroyed with bombs.
Place a decoupler on a ballast so the ballast is pointed the way you want to fire it, with the decoupler at the back. Set the ballasts mass to between x0.025 - x0.05. You dont want it to be too light, since that can cause the ballast to glitch through its target without actually hitting it. If it's too heavy on the other hand, it can't be fired at a speed high enough to make damage.
Once you press the button you've assigned the decoupler to, it will release the very light, yet mortal ballast in extreme speed.
The is pretty much what it sounds like. First time I saw it was on one of Algae's machines. It does, just like the ballastgun, consist of only 2 blocks. A grabber and a flying block. This weapon fires a flying block at high speed and can take down knights and houses at range without a problem. Just map the flying block and the grabber to the same button and hold it as long as you'd like to propel the missile. Set the speed on the flying block to about x10 to have an effective and non-buggy weapon.
The art of delivering explosives at high speeds to a distant target. The missiles are actually quite simple. All you need is the Multimod(or Custom Rotation mod) and the No Bounds Mod. The point of a missile is to propel a bomb in a straight path towards a target.
My custom missile build includes a bomb, a grabber, a decoupler, a small propeller wing (Block #52), a brace and a flying block. Depending on the placement of the flying block, it might need to be reversed (set to a negative parameter value). The value of the flying block should be about x-15 (or x15 if placed the same direction). The decoupler and the flying block should be mapped to the same button. Hold that button to launch and propel the missile forwards.
Core88 had another way of building missiles that she applied on her tanks, which have been very popular. It's pretty much the same way as mine but without the stabilizing wing, which makes it more compact. It's also held in place with a grabber instead of a decoupler.
Algae attached a variant of these missiles to one of his cars. It's working with a decoupler combined with a steering hinge to make it both compact and aimable.
A mortar is a weapon that fires a bomb, just like the missile. The diffrence between a mortar and a missile is that the missile propells the bomb in a straight path forwards, while the mortar throws the bomb on its target. A mortar is a very compact system, but can be very hard to control if not adjusted properly. The bomb in a mortar is propelled by a flying block that is not attached to anything. Just propel the flying until you've reached about 1/3 of the distance to the targe, then let go and let the momentum will keep the bomb going the rest of the way. The mortar is built with a grabber, a flying block, two halfpipes and a bomb.
The grabber that's holding the flying block, and the flying block itself should be mapped to the same button.
Protect your bombs & Double tap!Protecting your bombs can be a good thing when battling archers. Try to surround them with as many other objects as possible without blocking the flightpath. Attaching a grabber in front of it can block incoming arrows from the front without blocking the path. If fired from a mortar, you can also use the "double tap" method. Just launch the bomb, then let go of the launch key to gain some distance between the bomb and the flying block. Then press the key again to launch the flying block into the bomb. This causes the bomb to explode and launches the grabber at extreme speed the same direction._______________________________________________________________________________
Firing a shrapnel cannon at a bomb is a good way to launch it a shorter distance. If the cannons is placed close enough to the bomb, it will not explode by the blast. The cannon and the grabber holding the bomb should be mapped to the same button. Use Editor+ (or the ¼ block placement mentioned in the "Building") to get the cannon to the correct height.Another way to launch a bomb with cannons is through attaching the cannons to a block with the bomb on a decoupler. Map the cannons to the same key as the decoupler and point them downwards.
Originally posted by Landmine752:I couldn't tell you where I picked it up from, but I've been using a cannon-propelled missile since I started constructing mobile missile launcher platforms, no mods needed. It still works after many months of updates though I now use a ballast instead of a wood block to make the missile more solid. The platform, however, needs some protection to survive unless you're looking at a disposable design.Warning: Using this techique with ordinary cannons can destroy your vehicle with the cannonballs.
Suggest more weapons in the comments!
✎ Publishing
This section is an individual guide on how to make your machine more attractive after publishing.
Step 1: Customizing your thumbnail
Publishing a machine with the default thumbnail could be the worst anti-climax ever...
It doesn't matter how good the machine is if it doesn't look attractive at the first sight. Therefore I'd recommend all of you to customize your thumbnails!
There's a link to the SavedMachines folder in-game. Just press "Load Machine" and then the small gray textstrip above your machines. Windows users will be redirected to: Steam/SteamApps/Common/Besiege/Besiege_Data/SavedMachines.
Now you should just enter the /Thumbnails folder and edit the thumbnail.
You'll need a good screenshot and/or an image manipulation program. Personally I'm using the Open Source program GIMP[www.gimp.org] , which is a lot like Adobe Photoshop.
When you're done, just upload the machine to the workshop!
If you save your machine after editing its thumbnail, it will reset to the default thumbnail. Remember to make a backup if you're going to change anything!
Step 2: Describe your machine
Personally, I wouldn't wanna download Mr."Block Count: 98" and I suppose that others don't want that either. That's what descriptions are for, but what should really be written in a description? How do I control it?
Why is this machine the best of all times?
Should I keep anything particular in mind when playing this machine?These are a few questions that I ask myself when writing the description for my machine. Using this techique allows me to write a lot more about the machine that I couldn't think of from the start.
Step 3: Make the description easy to read
When the description is written, it's time to add some style to it. Adding a new look has never killed anyone (except for those cursed peasants). I will write an example and show how it will turn out.
> [quote=TheGuysThatDescribes][noparse]
> [h1][b]The title of the titles...[/b][/h1]
> ...Is back to destroy the future of all unattractive titles! Learn how to use the tags and you will > be the next typewriter!
> Controls:> Press buttons with buttons!
> Fire cannons illegally!
> Kill all sheeps!
> Don't let the bedbugs bite!
> >
> If you like this description, don't forget to press this link to nothing![http//nothing]
> Have fun!
> [/quote]
...Will show as:
Originally posted by TheGuysThatDescribes:
The title of the titles...
...Is back to destroy the future of all unattractive titles! Learn how to use the tags and you will be the next typewriter!
Controls:Press buttons with buttons!
Fire cannons illegally!
Kill all sheeps!
Don't let the bedbugs bite!
If you like this description, don't forget to press this link to nothing![http//nothing]
Have fun!
Congratulations, you now have an attractive machine on the workshop!
❤ Additional Information
This guide is no longer a work in progress. It's been a while since I wrote it and I am now concidering adding sequel with new information on blocks, mods and mechanics!
I'd also like to recommend Ross Plavsic's Youtube Page. It's filled with guides and special ways to build.
If you like it, don't forget to rate and comment!
Join my group Besiege Addict!
Have fun!
Special thanksAlgae
Ross Plavsic
Besiege This! aka FrizB
Mohab The Boss
TomX ツ
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=550174531
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