A New Player's Guide to Melee in NW

A New Player's Guide to Melee in NW

1. Chambering

Chambering is countering your opponent's attack with an attack of your own.

If your opponent throws a down-stab, you have to counter with a down-stab as well, if they throw an up-stab, you have to counter with an up-stab. To time your stab correctly you should use the sound the musket makes when someone throws a stab and release your musket the moment you hear the stab sound.

If your stab gets chambered you can re-chamber by left clicking the moment you hear the sound of the chamber.


2. Fastblocking (aka Blocking Chambers)

Fastblocking was a term coined by Anthony and it's basically how you block when you get chambered without relying entirely on movement. Keep in mind that Stun Chambers can't be blocked with fastblocking without movement.

There's 2 ways to do it.

The first way is to double tap left click the moment your stab gets chambered and then right click to block.

The second way is to start holding left click the moment your stab releases and then block once you get chambered.


3. Blockchambers

Blockchambers are a safer form of Chambering that involves holding both left click and right click. Once you see the opponent's stab is about to reach your block or you hear the stab sound, release the right click and your character will immediately switch into a stab and catch the opponent's stab into a chamber.


4. Stun Chambers

Stun Chambers are chambers that cannot be blocked. They can happen accidentally when someone stabs from too far or too close and gets chambered but there's also a way to force stun chambers to your advantage by using movement.

A key to catch the stab into a chamber then W key and release your stab.


5. Block Stun

A Block Stun is basically the low-risk low-reward version of the Blockchamber. It relies entirely on your opponent getting stunned when stabbing into your block and that will depend on a lot on their movement and which part of your block they will hit, that is explained later in the guide.

All you have to do is wait for your opponent to throw a stab at you, block it and once you hear the block sound, switch into a down-stab and stab them.


6. Stun HitBox On Musket

A New Player's Guide to Melee in NW image 23

To keep this part short, if your opponent is holding a block and you want to stab them you should aim for the part of the musket that is right between their hands.

7. Player Hit Box Soft Spots

A New Player's Guide to Melee in NW image 26

8. How To Spam

This might sound odd but there is actually a way to spam more efficiently in this game and it's pretty simple. All you have to do is start holding left click again the moment you release your stab without waiting for your stab animation to finish, that will reset your stab faster.


9. Double Blocking

Double blocking is probably the most important thing to know in this game and it's very simple.

Normally when you block a stab you are stunned for a short amount of time which prevents you from switching your block. In order to bypass that stun, all you have to do is hold down left click and the moment you block a stab you release your block and then block again in the other direction.


10. Kick Glitching

Kick Glitching, also known as Stun Kick or Poke kick, is done on an opponent that's been stunned either intentionally or unintentionally.


11. Side Step

The Side Step is the simplest form of Counter Range, all you have to do is hold A key and release your stab to the Right or hold D key and release your stab to the Left.


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3235520489					

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